
Critical Repairs Program
The Critical Repairs Program supports lower-income Central Albertan homeowners by repairing critical health & safety issues in their homes. By assisting homeowners with lower incomes to resolve serious structural, health and safety deficiencies, Habitat Red Deer enables families and individuals to remain safely housed while improving older housing assets.
Habitat Red Deer will complete the repairs, working alongside qualified local trade partners and companies. By providing critical repairs to homeowners, Habitat Red Deer is not just fixing immediate issues but also ensuring a positive future for Central Albertans. This program will extend the livability of existing homes, allowing more individuals and families to have a safe and decent place to live.
Who Can Apply?
Homeowners (both families and individuals) are able to submit an application to the program during the open application phase. Applications must meet program criteria and eligibility. Some of the basic eligibility requirements for the Critical Repairs Program are:
The need for the repair is serious and urgent.
The homeowner demonstrates a need for the critical repair that they are unable to fix or finance on their own.
Ability to repay their repair loan, having a gross household income between $50,000 and $80,000.
The applicant owns their home in Habitat Red Deer's service area of Central Alberta.
Willing to partner with Habitat Red Deer.
Former and current homeowner families of Habitat Red Deer are not eligible to apply to the Critical Repairs Program.
For more information, please get in touch with us: 403-309-6080 or info@habitatreddeer.ca
Program Sponsor
We would like to recognize the Alberta Real Estate Foundation for their support in launching the Critical Repairs.